How To Remove Pimple Marks On Face Naturally

First of all, we get some important information about oily skin. People with oily skin often have persistence with their skin. The reason is, viscosity of their face. To show your skin oil free, we often wash our face with any soup or face wash. And leave him like that, which is very damaging to our skin.

Oily Skin Information About Oily Skin

If you stay in the house all day, then there is no need for face-wash again and again. By doing so, the glow of the skin is gradually lost. The best thing about Oily-Skin is that, on such a skin, the effect of wrinkle is not immediate. That is, compared to other skin, the effect of the wrinkle on oily skin is delayed.

Dust dust (dust) quickly over the oily skin, causing the pores of the pimples to stop and the problem of Pimples arises. But oily skin from the proper care can also show the brightness glow in beauty.

Pimple Problem

The most hazard of pimples is oily skin. Due to excessive oil in the skin, the dirt in the air sticks on the face. By which the follicles are closed, and due to lack of proper cleaning, the problem of Pimple arises.

Apart from this, due to many other reasons Pimples also cause that problem. Adolescence, gratitude, mental stress, constipation, blood donation, hormonal problems, and unhealthy food like.

Some Effective Tips to Get rid of the Muhaus Homemade Effective Tips To Get Rid Of Pimples At Home

Whenever you come from outside, wash your face with a medicated absorption or face wash. Wash the face several times a day with plain water.

Mix 1 tsp tomato juice with ½ teaspoon lemon juice. Now clean this face with the help of cutton, then wash the face with normal water.

Mix 2 t spoon curd and 1 tsp lemon juice, and make paste. Now put this paste on the face. After 10 minutes, clean the massaging with light hands. This will clear all the filth of the pores.

Mix the juice of lemon into cucumber juice and put it in the fridge, now put it on the face with cotton. Wash the face after some time. The face will bloom. If you like, you can use rose water instead of lemon.

Before sleeping in the night, clean the face with very hot water, but the water does not get very hot.

Make a paste of 1 tsp multani clay, 1/2 tsp sandalwood powder, 1 tsp yogurt, all of these, now use this paste as an upturn. It is very beneficial for oily skin.

Insert the red sandalwood on the face before sleeping in the night; it will enhance your skin.

Mash ½ cup papaya, and add 2 t spoon maltani clay in it. Now apply it for 20 minutes on face, then wash the face, it will make the face smoothen and the face will start shining.

½ Crush Apple, and mix the flour flour as needed. Then put this coating on the face and neck. Rinse and clean after drying. This will result in freshness on the skin.

Some Causes of Pimples

Problems that occur in cholesterol usually recover after time. Mental stress can be considered as a major cause of acne. Constipation is a problem that affects the whole process of the body. And this sometimes takes the form of quotes because of this. Occasionally at the age of 30 and 40, the problem of muhaasa has been seen, the main reason for this is the imbalance of harmones. The lack of food can also be another reason for acne. In that place, foods that have fast food, fried foods, and more hot tastes can be due to acne. Many times that problem also arises due to the fact that Russian pimple too.
If the mausoleum is said to be beautifully smear, then this will not be suppressed, what if you are hunting it? First of all, it is necessary that if you pay attention to the said above, you will know, because of which you have been victim of this problem. If the reason for the acne is known, then we can easily get rid of it.

Pimple Facial

Acne skin is very sensitive. Therefore, do not use any kind of product such as bleach, sharp chemical etc. without thinking. It would be better if you clean the skin with alkaline wash. This makes the oily balance of the face balanced.

 First of all, clear the face with the rated face wash. Use cucumbers, papaya or apple pulp for massage. After massage, use the aloe vera gel on the face.

लिए Use the hot towel to open the hair follicle. Then rub the ice (ice) on your face to close the pore.

 Finally put the face pack of multani clay, and after washing the face, use the aloe vera gel. You will notice the difference.

Some effective home remedies for getting rid of acne

  •  Neem bark is rubbed in water and placed on acne. Makes a lot of benefit.
  • Soak the gram of lentils and lentils in the night, and grind it with milk in the morning, it will improve the fibers, and the color will also improve.
  • Mix chironji, turmeric and sandalwood on equal quantities and add them to the Muhans.
  • Alumizing acne also benefits.
  • Multani clay, neem leaves powder and sandalwood powder have a great advantage in the coating of these three.
  • Muscles will get ice rugs with light hands.
  • Bleach can never be used on mukhas, instead of water of tamarind water or fittkir.
  • Pulp of cucumber, watermelon, melon and papaya is best for skin with mumps.

Some effective solutions to eliminate blacksmiths

  • Store coconut water in the refrigerator and rubbing this water on the stain several times a day. Stains will be erased.
  • Mix red lentil pulse into the flour bran and make a paste, and apply it on the face after rubbing it after 10 minutes. The face will become spotless.
  • Massage the face with a mixture of tomatoes, oranges, and lemon juice daily.
  • Mix glycerin, lemon juice and whole water of rose water before bedtime. All kinds of stains will benefit.

Select Your Eyes Makeup Carefully |choose make carefully for eyes

Nature has given us different types of eyes, such as small, emerged, festive or otherwise. If it is done properly, you can also become the owner of beautiful eyes. The first thing to do when making eye make-up is to take precautions in buying cosmetics. Never mess with your eyes and cosmetics, let's talk about different eye shapes and according to some tips for choosing makeup.

Deep Eyes Deep Eyes Makeup Tips

Such eyes appear to be fading inward and bro bone (bone between eyes and eyebrows) emerges less. So do make-up so that eyes look upright. Put lightly pressed pink or beige shadows on the eyelids and lighten the eyes towards the crease. Now take Medium Toned Eye shadow and start from the brow bone and take it to the edges of the brow. Make the line made in the upper part of the eyes deeper with the smoky color shadow. It is going to match the whole makeup. Finally, apply mascara with black or brown pencil.

Broken Eyes Protruding Eyes Makeup Tips

These are eyes outward. Therefore they are also called bulzing or proteding eyes. Shade the eyelids from medium color to dark color shades. Never use frosted shades or highlights because it will make your eyes look more prominent. Apply mascara pencil to the lower edges of the eyes. On the upper eyelashes, the mascara can have one or two light coats.

Blue eyes

In this, eyelashes look very less, which makes the eyes look like a candy. Therefore, it is necessary to make such a make-up which makes the eyes look a little awkward, that is not to look like a sleeping or a drug addict. Place the matte or neutral color icing on the inner half of the eyelids. Put a little darker color on the surrounding area, but do not place it on the outer side. Avoid using dark colors because it will make the eyelids heavy. Do not paint deep on the upper and lower edges of the eyes. Make a slightly curl up the upper lash age and apply one or two quotes of the mascara. Do not use very bright and bright colors on Brow Bone and not very light colors.

Close set I close Set Eyes Makeup Tips

In this, the distance between the two eyes is less visible. That is, their distance from the nose is less. Use medium shed on light and middle part on the inner part of the lids. Drag the line at the outer edges of the upper eyelids. Now place a deep shadow on the side of the brow bone, which is on the side of the ear and unify it well. Black mascara can be applied in the eyes. If you want to set a mas kara, then light brown on the inner lashes and use a slightly dark mosaic on the outside. Try to bolster her slightly on the outside and raise slightly towards the eyebrows. Use a light black mascara on the inner lashes and brown on external lashes.
Wide Set Eyes Wide Set Eyes Makeup Tips

Compared to close set I, the distance is slightly higher than the nose. That's why such makeup is needed to show the eyes balanced. First, place a slightly deep tone of powder with your skin tone from the small blushar brush on the part of the eyes and nose. Brush the side of the powder while brushing the nose. Use Neutral Tone Highlighter on the outer line of the brow. Shade the crease on the crease line (line falling on the upper part of the eye) and raise the side of the eye ie the side of the nose. Bring the matte shadow on the outer edge of the eye and make eye makeup perfect. Keep lashes straight while masquerading. Put a lot of mascara on the right side of its outermost part.

Asian Eye Asian Eyes Makeup Tips

These eyes are slightly lean towards the inner side of the nose. While using the shadow, use three colors to give the layering effect. Put a light shadow near Eye Lash age, use light colors on medium color and brow bones on the eyelids. Avoid making the crease on the side of the eyes or the crease on the upper side. Use eye liner only on the upper part of the eye.

Almond Shaped Eye Almond Eye Makeup Tips

These eye-shaped eyes are considered to be the best. There are several types of make-up. Such as fine eyeliner, artificial eye lashes, bright colors.

Firstly use a shade of light color according to the skin tone in the brao bone. Choose some shade dark colors from the eyelids (eyelids). Make a line from the black or brown mascara pencil on the lower edges of the eye. Try to raise it toward the outer edges of the eyes. If your eyes are blue then blue pencils can also be used.

Round Eye Round Eye Makeup Tips

Choose a dark colored shadow for round eyes. Start the side of the nose and move the outer side of the brow to uniformly shadow the shadow. Use a soft toned shadow or pencil on the lower eyeliner and take it upwards to the outermost part. Put muted highlighter near the brow line.

Small Eyes Eye Makeup Tips For Small Eyes

If the eyes are small then apply the light colored shadow on the outer edge of the eyelids with the help of a small blush, to show them bigger. Use dark shadow near the crease. But do not use any color on the inner side of the eye towards the nose, because it will make eyes look smaller. Use brush to apply shadows on the edges. After this, make a line from the light gray color mascara pencil on the lower part of the eye.

Dull Eyes Drooping Eye Makeup Tips

Eye makeup should be started from the inner part of the eye for drupeing or dull eyes. Place the medium tone with the help of shadow brush on the upper and outer sides. Bring it near near the brow line and leave it. Do not use any color on the outer line of eyelids. But try to enlarge the upper crease line of the eye, make a line from the Medium Brown Eye Shadow, then curl your eyelids a bit. Some quotes from mascara will also help in this.

Tips for applying contact lenses Contact Lens Tips For Beginners

It is their compulsion to put glasses in their eyes. By wearing eyeglasses, the beauty of the face decreases slightly, but by replacing the contact lens with glasses, you can complete this shortcoming. Contact lenses today There is no need to fashion just change not just fashion. So let's find out the tips and tips about using contact lens.

There are different types of lenses available today to remove eye defects. Hard Lens was available only 20 years ago, but now people prefer to take more Semi-Soft Lens. These lenses are Gas Permeable lenses. These give oxygen to the cornea, causing the cornea to remain healthy. There are three types of soft lenses which are of two types - Regular and Disposable. Disposable lenses are very expensive and can be used for a fixed amount of time, while the regular Soft Lens has to change every year.

What to look after when wearing contact lenses

  •  Always lens in healthy eyes. If there is irritation or infections in the eyes, do not even wear contact lenses.

  •  Before applying the contact lens, wash your hands well with soap. Do not wipe the hands with a hollow towel, because they can damage the eyes by applying lenses.

  •  Take contact lenses always before shaving or make-up. Applying the lens after making makeup can cause trouble in moving parts of cosmetics in the eye.

  •  Use only pencil eyeliner. Do not use in the inner parts of the eye.

  •  If you are using a hair spray or any other spray, then close your eyes before using it. Because its particles remain in the Atmosphere for some time and there is a possibility of going in their eyes.

  • Remove contact lenses before removing makeup.
  • Do not sleep any time by putting a lens.

How To Take Care Of Contact Lens

  •  Dry the hands thoroughly after washing it with soap. For both eyes, the lenses remain separate, only after applying the right lens to the right eye, make the rule to apply the left eye lens.

  •  Clean the lens four to five times with the fluid or saloon of a specially made company after removing the lens. For this, put the lens on the palm and insert some drops of salon on it and then clear the lens by moving the first finger straight in the line. Do not rotate the finger round.

  • Dip the lens in the solution and put it in the fixed vials or hair. Put the case before putting it in the case. The lens of sight should not stick to the edges or the edges of the case, but rather go in the middle. When closing the case when adhesive to the edges, the lens can be cut in between its lid.

  •  Make sure to clean the case once a week of the vial. If possible, then change this case after three months.

  •  They do not need to be cleansed much after being absorbed in the nightly salon, but caution should be cleaned by pouring the salon twice a day.

  • When applying contact lenses, if they fall down, wear only after cleaning the lens with saloon.
  •  Never wash the contact lens with tap water or distill water or store it.

  •  Standing near the washbasin or open drain, never wear the lens, because at the time of falling, they are prone to bleed. Always sit in front of the dressing table, and contact the lens with a big comfort. When placing the lens, place a small mirror at a little height, so that it is easy to wear lenses. Lay a clean cloth in your lap, there will be no danger of falling lenses.

  •  If you are going out of the house for several days, then take the lens cleansing salon and lens hair while carrying out the lens. The secretions from the eyes accumulate on the lens. With the advice of your practitioner / doctor, special methods from the market have been cleansing the lens with the salon.

  •  Lenses should never touch the sharp edged objects or nails.

Lip Care & Lipstick Tips

Lips Beauty Care And Lipstick Tips In Hindi - Beautiful pink lips are often compared to the soft petals of the rose. The important part of the face is our lips.

But in cold weather, the lips become weak and begin to burst. How to take care of these lips, so that they are soft and their color remains pink, let's know.

1. If lip explodes, place some drops of oil or domestic ghee on the navel at bedtime.

2. Take out the coconut milk and apply it on the lips. This results in pinkishness and tenderness of the lips.

Lipstick also contributes to enhancing the beauty of the lips. Keeping the choice of lipstick keeping the color and time of your skin in mind. Red, maroon, brown on cherry and wheat (whitish) on red, cherry pel shades look good on the skin. Peach and brand shades are being liked today. It fits on any type of color.

4. Nowadays, satin finish moisturizer is in the loop, so choose lipstick as well. Use a shade dark lip pencil before applying lipstick. After that fill the lips with lipstick.

5. If you want to show the lips slim then make the outline slightly outward. Now use lipstick inside the outline with the help of lip brush.

6. If you want to show the lips glossy, then use lipglass. It helps to make the lips soft and soft.
7. Before using lipsticks in winter, use moisturizer on the lips. Moisturizer lifts the lipstick and gives it the volume too.

8. Use light or natural shades on thin lips. Do not forget to apply shimmer glass after applying lipstick. Shimmer Glass gives you a party look.

How to Apply Lipstick - Tips in Hindi

1. If you want your lipstick to last longer, apply a thin layer of powder or foundation on the lips before applying lipstick. Then put lipstick, then it will stay on lips for a long time.

2. If the shape of your lips is not conducive to your wish, then you should use lip brush to apply lipstick and apply lipsticks. In the winter, lipsticks of bold colors like burgundy and deep pink can also be applied.

3. If you want excessive glow then use lip lacquer on top of lipstick.

4. Use the matte lipstick for your lips to be more full. Use Lip Primer or Lip Fixative for not lip lips from the matte lipstick.

5. Lipstick with moisturizer fades away from the stomachiness of your lips.

6. Color rich vitamins E. lipsticks also provide shine with the lips softening.

7. If you want to highlight lips, keep lip color dark and eye makeup minimized.

8. Lipstick continuously for 8-9 hours, the lips become stale. Therefore use lipgard or vaseline regularly.

गर्मियों की छुट्टियों की मौज मस्ती Teens Summer Vacation Ideas And Tips in Hindi

गर्मियों की छुट्टियों की मौज मस्ती Teens Summer Vacation Ideas And Tips in Hindi – गर्मियों की छुट्टियां किशोरों को उत्साह से भर देती हैं वही मां-बाप समझ नहीं पाते हैं कि कैसे उनका दिनभर फिजूल में घूमना बंद कराया जाए | इसलिए हम यहाँ पर आपके लायें कुछ ऐसे सुझाव जिससे बच्चो को एक नई दिशा मिल सकेगी और उनका समय भी अच्छा पास होगा |
जबसे गर्मियों की छुट्टियां शुरू हुई हैं, बच्चों के पांव घर पर टिकते ही नहीं है | दसवीं की परीक्षा देने के बाद से वह खुद को बहुत बड़ा समझने लगा है | मम्मी पापा की एक नहीं सुनता है | सुबह-सुबह दोस्तों के घर के बाहर आवाज लगाना, ग्रुप में निकल जाना, ताश बाजी, कैरम, सिनेमा के सिवा कोई दूसरा काम नहीं है | कई बार इस सबसे उसका दिल ऊबता भी है, पर क्या करें, यह वह समझ नहीं पाता है | गर्मियों की छुट्टियों में हर बच्चे के सामने यह परेशानी आती है | यदि उनके शौक को एक दिशा मिल जाए, तो वह व्यस्त रहते हैं और उनका व्यक्तित्व भी निखरता है | इससे जीवन में अनुशासन भी आता है |

किशोरों को आत्म निर्भर बनाएं

किशोर उम्र के बच्चों को छोटी-छोटी जिम्मेदारियां दें | घर के कामों में हाथ बटाने को कह सकते हैं | लड़का हो या लड़की उसे थोड़ा बहुत खाना बनाना सिखाना अच्छा रहता है |

किशोरों के रचनात्मक रुझानों को दिशा

अगर किशोर बच्चे को फोटोग्राफी, संगीत, अभिनय आदि का शौक है, तो उसे कला प्रशिक्षण केंद्र में दाखिला दिलवाया जा सकता है | महानगरों में बच्चों की छुपी प्रतिभाओं को दिशा देने वाले इस तरह के कला केंद्र आजकल काफी होते हैं, जिनकी अपनी बसे भी चलती हैं | फोटोग्राफी का शौक भविष्य में व्यवसाय भी बन सकता है | किसी पेशेवर फोटोग्राफर से भी फोटोग्राफी सिखाई जा सकती है |

गर्मियों की छुट्टियों में उन्हें कंप्यूटर सिखाया जा सकता है | अगर ड्राइंग, पेंटिंग या शिल्पकारी में बच्चे की दिलचस्पी है, तो उसे ड्राइंग, पेंटिंग और शिल्पकारी सीखने भेजा जा सकता है | इस से बच्चों में एकाग्रता और सोचने की क्षमता बेहतर होती है | इस दिशा में हैंडीक्राफ्ट भी मददगार साबित हो सकता है | सिर्फ लड़कियों को ही नहीं लड़कों को भी ब्लॉक प्रिंटिंग, बुटीक और टाई एंड डाई का काम अच्छा लग सकता है | इसमें अपने हाथों से एक सफेद कपड़े के टुकड़े को आकर्षक रंगों और डिजाइन से सजाकर तैयार करना काफी रचनात्मक अनुभव रहता है | लड़के अपने लिए टाई एंड डाई के जरिए कमीज का पीस डिजाइन कर सकते हैं |

लाइब्रेरी बनाने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करें

अगर किशोर उम्र के बच्चे को पढ़ने का शौक है, तो लाइब्रेरी का सदस्य बनने के लिए प्रेरित कर सकते हैं | इससे शब्दकोश का ज्ञान बढ़ता है और रचनात्मक गुणों का विकास होता है | इसके अलावा दो तीन किशोर मिलकर अपनी लाइब्रेरी बना भी सकते हैं | अगर घर का माहौल पढ़ने लिखने का है, तो घर में पत्रिकाएं, कहानी की किताबें, उपन्यास आसानी से उपलब्ध होते हैं | इन किताबों पत्रिकाओं को इकट्ठा कर लाइब्रेरी बनाने के लिए प्रेरित किया जा सकता है | लाइब्रेरी का सदस्य बनने की कुछ फीस रखी जा सकती है | गर्मियों की छुट्टियां खत्म होने पर उन पैसों से लाइब्रेरी के सदस्यों को पार्टी देना एक अच्छा अनुभव हो सकता है |

पिकनिक ग्रुप और अभिनय की वर्कशॉप

बच्चों को ग्रुप पिकनिक पर जाने दे | उन्हें किसी विश्वासपात्र के संरक्षण में ट्रेकिंग के लिए भी भेजा जा सकता है | इससे बच्चे में साहस और आत्मविश्वास मजबूत होता है | लड़का हो या लड़की, इस तरह के कैंपों का आनंद दोनों ही उठा सकते हैं | लड़की समझ कर उसे रोकिए नहीं,\ | हां, देख लीजिए कितनी लड़कियां साथ में जा रही हैं | शिविर आयोजित करने वाले की विश्वसनीयता की पड़ताल भी कर लें | शहरों में कुछ नाटक ग्रुप गर्मियों की छुट्टियों में किशोरों और बच्चों के लिए थिएटर वर्कशॉप भी आयोजित करते हैं | जिन शहरों में यह सुविधा नहीं है, वहां मोहल्ले कॉलोनी के किशोर बच्चे मिलकर रंगारंग कार्यक्रम पेश कर सकते हैं |

फेस मास्क से पायें मुंहासों से छुटकारा Face Mask Se Muhase Hatane Ke Upay

फेस मास्क से पायें मुंहासों से छुटकारा Face Mask Se Muhase Hatane Ke Upay
फेस मास्क से पायें मुंहासों से छुटकारा Face Mask Se Muhase Hatane Ke Upay – ज्यादातर मुंहासे युवावस्था में होते हैं | एक बार चेहरे पर मुंहासे हो जाने पर उन्हें दूर करना थोड़ा मुश्किल होता है | अगर हम थोड़ी सी सावधानियों का पालन करें तो यह जल्द ही ठीक हो जाएगा | मुंहासे जब निकलना शुरू होते हैं तो थोड़ी तकलीफ भी होती है और इन्हें छेड़ने पर ये चेहरे पर दाग धब्बे भी छोड़ जाते है | इसलिए इनके निकलने पर इन्हें छेड़ना नहीं चाहिए |
नीचे हम कुछ उपाय बता रहे है, आप इन्हें इस्तेमाल करके मुंहासों से छुटकारा पा सकतीं हैं-
अक्सर मुंहासों के कारण चेहरे पर दाग बन जाते हैं | सामान्यतया हम इन्हें नाखून आदि से दबाकर या नोचकर और भी गहरा बना लेते हैं | अगर मुंहासे हो तो उन्हें किसी भी न छेड़ें | चाहें तो किसी अच्छे ब्यूटी पार्लर में जाकर कील, मुंहासों सहित निकलवाएं | फिर निम्न लेपों का प्रयोग करें-

जैतून के तेल का मास्क

जैतून के तेल मुहासों के लिए काफी फायदेमंद होता है | इसके लिए आधा चम्मच जैतून के तेल में चौथाई चम्मच नीबू का रस मिलाकर चेहरे पर लगाएं | 15 मिनट बाद धो लेने से लाभ होगा |

पुदीना मास्क

एक चम्मच पुदीने के रस में एक चम्मच गुलाबजल मिलाकर चेहरे पर लगाएं | इसे कुछ घंटे लगाकर रखें | चाहे तो रात में लगाकर सो भी सकती हैं | फिर ठंडे पानी से चेहरा धो लें |

बादाम मास्क

चार भीगे हुए बादाम दो चम्मच दूध के साथ पीस लें | एक चम्मच संतरे का रस व विटामिन ए का कैप्सूल इसमें मिलाकर चेहरे पर लगाएं | धब्बों पर कुछ ज्यादा लगाएं | बीस मिनट बाद चेहरा धो लें |

कच्चे पपीते का मास्क

कच्चे पपीते के छोटे से टुकड़े को पीस कर उसका रस निकालें | उसे चेहरे व धब्बों पर अच्छी तरह लगाकर सूखने दें | पंद्रह मिनट बाद चेहरा धो लें |
त्वचा की एक सामान्य समस्या है मुंहासे और इनसे छुटकारा पाने के लिए आप निम्न उपाय भी कर सकती हैं –
1. पहले मुंहासे दूर करने के लिए मुंहासों पर कैंफर लोशन का प्रयोग करें | किसी मेडिकेटेड साबुन व गर्म पानी से चेहरा साफ करें |
2. अगर चेहरे पर अधिक मुंहासे हों तो किसी अच्छे ब्यूटी पार्लर में जाकर उन्हें जड़ सहित निकलवाएं |
3. पुदीने के पत्तों को पीसकर रस निकालें | उसमें आधा चम्मच नीबू का रस मिलाकर चेहरे पर लगाएं | बीस मिनट बाद चेहरा धो लें |
4. चंदन पेस्ट में, खीरे का गाढ़ा रस मिलाकर लगाएं |
5. नीम की पत्तियों को पीसकर लगाएं | बीस मिनट बाद चेहरा धो लें |
6. एक चम्मच बेसन में आधा चम्मच हल्दी, एक चम्मच नीम रस व दो चम्मच दूध मिलाकर पेस्ट बनाएं | चेहरे पर अच्छी तरह लगाकर बीस मिनट बाद धो लें |
7. हल्के स्टार्च पेस्ट को रात भर चेहरे पर लगाकर सोने से भी काफी फायदा होता है |
8. मुंहासे ख़त्म हो जाने पर फिर न होने के लिए रोजाना पुदीने के रस में रुई भिगोकर चेहरे पर मलें | कुछ देर बाद धो लें |

9. दूसरों का तौलिया या अन्य वस्तुएं जैसे- साबुन, क्रीम आदि इस्तेमाल न करें | बाहर से आने पर क्लींजर्स की सहायता से धूल, गंदगी साफ कर लें | हमेशा त्वचा को साफ रखें |
10. साधारण व शुष्क त्वचा को दिन में दो बार व तैलीय त्वचा को दिन में तीन-चार बार हल्के गर्म पानी से धोएं |
11. खाने के पदार्थ अधिक तैलीय न हों | अधिक सलाद खाएं व पानी कम से कम आठ गिलास प्रतिदिन पीएं | इस तरह जरा सी देखभाल आपकी खूबसूरती को बरकरार रख सकती है |

स्टीम फेशियल मुहासों के लिए बेस्ट हैं Amazing Steam Facial For Pimples And Oily Skin

भाप द्वारा रोमछिद्रों को खोलकर उनकी गहरी सफाई की जा सकती है | इससे त्वचा पर उपस्थित चिकनाई, धूलकणों आदि को साफ किया जा सकता है | स्टीम फेशियल द्वारा चेहरे पर नई जान और नई चमक आ जाती है | स्टीम फेशियल की घरेलू विधि निम्न है-
बेसिन में गर्म पानी लेकर उसमें गुलाब की पंखुडियां डाल दें | कुछ मिनट उन्हें भीगने दें | अब अपने चेहरे को तौलिये से ढक लें, ताकि भाप चारों ओर बिखर न सके | भाप के करीब ले जाकर चेहरे को सेकें | ध्यान रहे उतने करीब ही ले जाएं, जिससे आपको तकलीफ न हो | भाप में श्वास लें | चेहरे पर भाप को अच्छी तरह आने दें | अच्छी भाप लेने के बाद टिश्यू पेपर से चेहरा पोंछ लें | अगर चेहरे पर ब्लैकहेड्स हैं तो दबाकर उन्हें निकालें या ब्लैक हेड रिमूवर से उन्हें निकालकर रुई से साफ कर लें | गर्म पानी से चेहरा धोकर, बर्फ के पानी से चेहरा धोएं | अब चेहरे पर किसी अच्छे फेस मास्क को लगाकर सूखने दें | बाद में ठंडे पानी से धो लें | इस तरह हफ्ते या पन्द्रह दिनों में एक बार चेहरे को भाप देते रहेंगे, तो चेहरे की खूबसूरती बनी रहेगी |
फेस मास्क लगाने के लिए कुछ आवश्यक सावधानियां
1. अगर आप पहली बार मास्क का प्रयोग अपनी त्वचा पर करने जा रही हैं तो पहले अपनी त्वचा के प्रकार के मास्क का चुनाव कर लें |
2. मास्क का प्रयोग साफ त्वचा पर ही करें |
3. जब त्वचा गर्म हो, तभी मास्क लगाएं | इसके लिए क्रीम फेशियल या स्टीम फेशियल के दौरान मास्क का प्रयोग करें |
4. आंखों के चारों ओर व होठों के भाग को छोड़कर, बाकी जगह पर लगाएं |
5. शुष्क त्वचा, नाजुक त्वचा, मिश्रित प्रकार की त्वचा पर मास्क केवल दस मिनट तक लगाएं | तत्पश्चात पानी से धो लें |
6. तैलीय त्वचा पर मास्क को पंद्रह मिनट तक रहने दें | उसके पश्चात धो लें |
7. मौसम के हिसाब से मास्क का प्रयोग करें |
8. मास्क उतारने के बाद तुरंत बाहर या धूप में न जाएं | इससे त्वचा पर सीधा असर पड़ता है | कुछ देर त्वचा को आराम दें, ताकि जितने प्रोटीन्स हमने त्वचा को दिए हैं, उनका पोषण सही तरीके से हो सके |
हम आशा करते हैं कि आप इन उपायों का पालन करके मुंहासों से हमेशा के लिए छुटकारा पा सकती हैं |



9 Beauty Tips for Gorgeous Skin and Hair
Could your skin be more clear and smoother than it is? Could your hair be any silkier, stronger and voluminous? All of this without having to spend thousands of rupees are your next-door salon? Yes, absolutely! I come across hundreds of young women looking for desperate solutions to their skin and hair problems and expecting me to wave my magic wand and tackle their issues overnight and transform them. I would love to oblige but the truth is that nature doesn't bloom overnight. The smallest seed of a plant also needs to be planted, nurtured and cared for before it can blossom and show its magnificence. Though we live in a world of "insta" or instant options, some things cannot be played around with.

With the festive season around the corner - Durga Puja, Karvachauth, Diwali and endless parties and festivities that go with it, the skin and hair need to look healthy and stunning. In this article I have conjured up some INSTA recipes (both magical and natural) that are guaranteed to work and give some fabulous results to dead looking skin and hair. So wake up and imbibe these spells into your festive look. 1. For dull, oily and combination skin
Massage the skin with iced yoghurt and sprinkle some sugar along with it. Now take orange halves and scrub gently until the granules melt. Wash the face with iced water and see the difference.

2. For dull, tired and dry skin

Massage the skin with papaya. Then make a scrub by mixing oats and honey along with a little cold milk and scrub the skin. Wash off with ice cold milk and water and pat dry.

Papaya Skin
3. Suffering from frizzy hair?

Try this simple, quick and easy-to-make spray. Take slices of two lemon and simmer in two cups of water until it reduces to half the amount. Pour the liquid into a spritz bottle and spray on your hair. Not only will there be a wonderful natural sheen but static and fly away hair will be gone!

4. For natural hair colour

If you have a brownish tinge in your hair and don't have the time to henna or colour it, then take a few sprigs of rosemary from the kitchen shelf and simmer them in 2 cups of water along with 2 tsp black tea until it reduces to half the quantity. Mix with 1/4cup of shampoo and every time you shampoo, use this mixture. Leave the shampoo in your hair for about 15 minutes and see the difference it makes.

Tea for Good Hair
5. For a smooth back

Planning to wear a low back blouse, backless dress or choli, but have no time to go in for a body scrub to show off a smooth back? Here's a quick home remedy. Take 1 cup of sea salt and mix it with half a cup of olive oil. Add 5 drops of sandalwood oil and mix well. Store in a jar and scrub the areas of your body you want to flaunt. Wipe off with a wet towel.

6. Dealing with under eye bags and dark circles

Take used chamomile tea bags and store them in the freezer. Grate half a cucumber and massage around eye area and then lie down with the tea bags on your eyes for 10 minutes.You will find an instant difference in the way your eyes look and feel.

7. Instant face lift

Wash your face with ice water or simply rub and ice cube with a tsp of honey on the face. Beat an egg white until it peaks and brush onto your skin and let dry. You will feel the stretch in the skin. wash face with icy cold water.

Egg White for Great Skin
8. Tired eyes?

Long hours at work, then shopping and getting things organized for the festive season can be tiring. I would suggest you make this wonderful eye wash which will make you feel refreshed instantly. Take iced spring water in a bowl and add a few drops of rose water, 2-3 drops of honey and immerse one eye into it. You can also open your eye a little and then close it. Throw away the liquid and make the same water for the other eye and repeat the process. After this, splash the eyes with cold mineral water. There maybe slight redness for some time but it will go away soon and your eyes will feel refreshed in minutes.

9. Quick Hair Care

Don't have the time to shampoo and blow dry your hair even though it is oily? Well, sweat not. Sprinkle talcum and amla powder onto your hair brush and overturn the hair over your head and brush from the nape of the neck to the tips .Now throw your hair back and voila you have bouncy oil free hair in minutes!

So these are just a few of my secret 'insta' beauty recipes. Use them and enjoy but never substitute them for a regular skin and hair care regime.

Quick Hair Care